Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. mix                   
1. fuse or fuze \'fyu:z\ n [It fuso spindle, fr. L fusus, of unknown 
   origin] 1: a continuous train of a combustible substance enclosed in a cord 
   or cabl e for setting off an explosive charge by transmitting fire to it 
   usu  2: a mechanical or electrical detonating device for setting off the 
   burstin g charge of a projectile, bomb, or torpedo
2. fuse or fuze vt : to equip with a fuse 
3. fuse vb [L fusus, pp. of fundere to pour, melt - more at FOUND] 1a: to 
   reduce to a liquid or plastic state by heat  1b: to blend by melting 
   together  2: BLEND, INTEGRATE  1: to become fluid with heat; also : to fail 
   because of the blowin g of a fuse 2: to become blended 
4. fuse n : an electrical safety device consisting of or including a wire 
   or strip o f fusible metal that melts and interrupts the circuit when the 
   current becomes too strong