Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. adapt                 
rec.on.cile \'rek-*n-.si-l\ \-m*nt\ \.rek-*n-.sil-e--'a--sh*n\ 
   \-'sil-y*-.to-r-e-, -'sil-e--*-, -.to.r-\ vt [ME reconcilen, fr. MF or L; 
   MF reconcilier, fr. L reconciliare)X, fr. re- + conciliare to conciliate 
   1a: to restore to friendship, harmony, or communion {reconciled th e 
   factions} 1b: ADJUST, SETTLE {~ differences}  2: to make congruous {~ an 
   ideal with reality}  3: to cause to submit to or accept  - rec.on.cile.ment 