Webster's English Dictionary

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har.mo.ny \'ha:r-m*-ne-\ n [ME armony, fr. MF armonie, fr. L harmonia, fr. 
   Gk, joint, ha]rmony, fr. harmos joint - more at ARM archaic  1: tuneful 
   sound : MELODY  2a: the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a 
   chord  2b: the structure of music with respect to the composition and 
   progression  of chords 2c: the science of the structure, relation, and 
   progression of chords  3a: pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts  3b: 
   CORRESPONDENCE, ACCORD  3c: internal calm : TRANQUILLITY  4a: an 
   interweaving of different accounts into a single narrative  4b: an 
   arrangement of different accounts in parallel columns with correspon ding 
   passages side by side