Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. yield                 
sub.mit \s*b-'mit\ vb or sub.mit.ted;  or sub.mit.ting [ME submitten, fr. L 
   submittere to lower, submit, fr. sub- +]mittere to send - more at SMITE 1a: 
   to yield to governance or authority  1b: to subject to a regime, condition, 
   or practice {the metal was sub mitted to analysis} 2a: to commit to the 
   discretion or judgment of another  2b: to make available : OFFER  2c: to 
   put forward as an opinion : AFFIRM {we ~ that the c harge is not proved} 
   1a: to yield oneself to the authority or will of another  1b: to yield 
   oneself as subject (as to surgery)  2: to defer to the opinion or authority 
   of another