Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. adapt                 
ad.just also ad.jus.tor \*-'j*st\ \*-'j*s-t*-b*l\ \-t*r\ vb [F ajuster, fr. 
   a- + juste exact, just] 1a: to bring to a more satisfactory state :  1a1: 
   SETTLE, RESOLVE  1a2: RECTIFY  1b: to make correspondent or conformable : 
   ADAPT  1c: to bring the parts of to a true or more effective relative 
   position  2: to reduce to a system : REGULATE  3: to determine the amount 
   to be paid under an insurance policy in settlement of (a loss) : to adapt 
   or conform oneself  - ad.just.able aj