Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. model                 
1. ide.al \i--'de-(-*)l\ aj [F or LL; F ide`al, fr. LL idealis, fr. L idea] 
   1a: existing as a mere mental image or in fancy or imagination only; br 
   oadly : lacking practicality 1b: relating to or constituting mental images, 
   ideas, or conceptions  2: of, relating to, or embodying an ideal  3: 
   existing as an archetypal idea  4: IDEALISTIC 
2. ideal \i--'de--*l-l*s\ n 1: a standard of perfection, beauty, or 
   excellence  2: one regarded as exemplifying an ideal and often taken as a 
   model for imi tation 3: an ultimate object or aim of endeavor : GOAL  - 
   ide.al.less aj