Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. receive               
ac.cept \ik-'sept, ak-\ vb [ME accepten, fr. MF accepter, fr. L acceptare, 
   fr. accept]us, pp. of accipere to receive, fr. ad- + capere to take - more 
   at HEAVE 1a: to receive with consent  1b: to be able or designed to take or 
   hold (something applied)  2: to give admittance or approval to  3a: to 
   endure without protest  3b: to regard as proper, normal, or inevitable  3c: 
   to receive as true  3d: to receive into the mind : UNDERSTAND  4a: to make 
   a favorable response to  4b: to undertake the responsibility of  5: to 
   assume an obligation to pay  6: to receive (a legislative report) 
   officially  : to receive favorably something offered - usu. used with of