Webster's English Dictionary

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rhi.noc.er.os \ri--'na-s-(*-)r*s\ \-'na:s-*-.ri-\ \(.)ri--.na:s-*-'ra:t-ik\ 
   n or rhi.noc.er.os.es or rhinoceros or rhi.noc.eri [ME rinoceros, fr. L 
   rhinocerot-, rhinoceros, fr. Gk rhino] pl kero-t-, rhinokero-s, fr. rhin- + 
   keras horn - more at HORN : any of various large powerful herbivorous 
   thick-skinned perissodactyl ma mmals (family Rhinocerotidae) that have one 
   or two heavy upright horns on the snout - rhi.noc.er.ot.ic aj