Webster's English Dictionary

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1. have \(')hav, (h)*v, v; before "to" usu 'haf\ \(')had, (h)*d, d\ 
   \'hav-in\ \(')haz, (h)*z, z; before "to" usu 'has\ \ha-'vat\ 
   \.have-*t-'in-f*r, -.fo.(*)r\ vb or had;  or hav.ing or has [ME haven, fr. 
   OE habban; akin to OHG habe-n to have, h]evan to lift - more at HEAVE 1a: 
   to hold in possession as property  1b: to hold in one's use, service, or 
   affection or at one's disposal {R@ your cake and eat it too} 1c: to consist 
   of : CONTAIN  2: to feel obligation or necessity in regard to {~ to go} {~ 
   a  letter to write} 3: to stand in relationship to {~ enemies}  4a: to 
   acquire or get possession of : OBTAIN {best to be had)X} 4b: RECEIVE {had 
   news}  4c: ACCEPT; specif : to accept in marriage  5a: to be marked or 
   characterized by {~ red hair}  5b: SHOW {had the gall to refuse}  5c: USE, 
   EXERCISE {~ mercy on us}  6a: to experience esp. by submitting to, 
   undergoing, or suffering {~)R a cold} 6b: to carry on : PERFORM, TAKE {~ a 
   look at that cu t} {~ a fight} 6c: to entertain in the mind : CHERISH {~ an 
   opinion}  7a: to cause to by persuasive or forceful means - used with the 
   infiniti ve without to {~ the children stay} 7b: to cause to be  8: ALLOW 
   {we'll ~ no more of that}  9: to be competent in {has only a little French} 
    10a: to hold in a position of disadvantage or certain defeat {we ~  him 
   now} 10b: TRICK, FOOL {been had by a partner}  11: to be able to exercise 
   {I ~ my rights}  12: BEGET, BEAR {~ a baby}  13: to partake of {~ dinner}  
   14: BRIBE, SUBORN {can be had for a price}  : - used with the past 
   participle to form the present perfect, past per fect, or future perfect 
   {has gone home} {had already eaten} {will ~ finished dinner by then} for 
   any relation of belonging or of being controlled, kept, regarded, or 
   experienced as one's own; HOLD suggests stronger control, grasp, or 
   retention; it may imply occupancy as well as ownership; OWN implies a 
   natural or legal right to regard as under one's full control; POSSESS is 
   widely interchangeable with HAVE; it is similar to OWN but is applied more 
   readily to intangibles such as power, knowledge, a quality : to go at or 
   deal with : ATTACH  : FINISH, STOP  slang  1: to have had or have done all 
   one is going to be allowed to  slang  2: to have experienced, endured, or 
   suffered all one can  : to intend to do harm to  : to settle a matter of 
   contention by discussion or a fight  1: to deal with  2: to have in the way 
   of connection or relation with or effect on  - have at  SYN syn HOLD, OWN, 
   POSSESS: HAVE is the general term 
2. have \'hav\ n : one that has material wealth as distinguished from one 
   that is poor