Webster's English Dictionary

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1. up.right \'*p-.ri-t\ aj 1a: PERPENDICULAR, VERTICAL  1b: erect in 
   carriage or posture  1c: having the main axis or a main part perpendicular 
   {~ freezer> 2: morally correct HONORABLE: UPRIGHT implies a strict 
   adherence to moral principles; HONEST stresses adherence to such virtues as 
   truthfulness, candor, fairness; JUST is archaic for UPRIGHT and HONEST; 
   CONSCIENTIOUS and SCRUPULOUS imply an active moral sense governing all 
   one's actions; HONORABLE suggests a firm holding to codes of right behavior 
   and the guidance of a high sense of honor and duty - up.right.ly av SYN syn 
2. upright n 1: the state of being upright : PERPENDICULAR {a pillar out of 
   R@} 2: something upright