Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. dramatic              
1. the.at.ri.cal \the--'a-tri-k*l\ \-k*-.liz-*m\ \-.a-tr*-'kal-*t-e-\ 
   \-'a-tri-k(*-)le-\ aj 1: of or relating to the theater or the presentation 
   of plays {~ c ostume} 2: marked by pretense or artificiality of emotion  
   3a: HISTRIONIC {~ gesture}  3b: marked by extravagant display or 
   exhibitionism : SHOWY {~  acceptance speech} - the.at.ri.cal.ism n
2. theatrical n pl  1a: the performance of plays {amateur ~s}  1b: 
   DRAMATICS  2: a professional actor