Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. show                  
1. dis.play \dis-'pla-\ vb [ME displayen, fr. AF despleier, fr. L 
   displicare to scatter,] fr. dis- + plicare to fold 1: to spread or stretch 
   out  2a: to spread before the view  2b: to set in display  obs  3: DESCRY  
   obs  : to show off 
2. display n often attrib  1a: a displaying of something; specif : a device 
   that gives informa tion in visual form in communications 1b: ostentatious 
   show  1c: type composition designed to catch the eye; also : printed matt 
   er so composed 1d: an eye-catching arrangement by which something is 
   exhibited  2: a pattern of behavior exhibited esp. by male birds in the 
   breeding seaso n