Webster's English Dictionary

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pre.sen.ta.tion \.pre--.zen-'ta--sh*n, .prez-*n-, .pre-z-*n-\ \-shn*l, 
   -sh*n-*l\ n 1a: the act of presenting  1b: the act, power, or privilege 
   esp. of a patron of applying to the bishop  or ordinary for the institution 
   of one nominated to a benefice 2: something presented : as  2a: a symbol or 
   image that represents something  2b: something offered or given : GIFT  2c: 
   something set forth for the attention of the mind  3: the position in which 
   the fetus lies in the uterus in labor with respect  to the mouth of the 
   uterus 4: an object of perception, cognition, or memory; specif : the obje 
   ct of sensation abstracted from conscious awareness often cap  5: a church 
   feast on November 21 celebrating the presentation of the Virgin  Mary in 
   the Temple 6: the method by which radio, navigation, or radar information 
   is given to  the operator (as the pilot of an airplane) - 
   pre.sen.ta.tion.al aj