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tur.bid \'t*r-b*d\ \.t*r-'bid-*t-e-\ \'t*r-b*d-le-\ aj [L turbidus 
   confused, turbid, fr. turba confusion, crowd; akin to O]HG dweran to stir, 
   L turbare to throw into disorder, disturb, Gk tyrbe- confusion 1a: thick or 
   opaque with roiled sediment {~ stream}  1b: heavy with smoke or mist : 
   DENSE  2: CONFUSED, MUDDLED {~ thought} sediment. TURBID implies 
   disturbance of sediment causing a darkening, obscuring, or confusing of 
   what was or should be clear; MUDDY suggests the presence of mud or 
   impurities causing discoloring, obscuring, or contamination; ROILY implies 
   both turbidness and continuing agitation - tur.bid.i.ty n SYN syn TURBID, 
   MUDDY, ROILY mean clouded with stirred-up