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  1. evident               
1. clear \'kli(*)r\ aj [ME clere, fr. OF cler, fr. L clarus clear, bright; 
   akin to L] calare to call - more at LOW 1a: BRIGHT, LUMINOUS  1b: 
   CLOUDLESS; specif : less than one-tenth covered {a @ sky} 1c: free from 
   mist, haze, or dust {a ~ day}  1d: UNTROUBLED, SERENE {a ~ gaze}  2: CLEAN, 
   PURE : as  2a: free from blemishes  2b: easily seen through : TRANSPARENT  
   2c: free from abnormal sounds on auscultation  3a: easily heard  3b: easily 
   visible : PLAIN  3c: easily understood : UNMISTAKABLE  4a: capable of sharp 
   discernment : KEEN  4b: free from doubt : SURE  5: free from guile or guilt 
   : INNOCENT  6: unhampered by restriction or limitation : as  6a: 
   unencumbered by debts or charges  6b: NET {a ~ profit}  6c: UNQUALIFIED, 
   ABSOLUTE  6d: free from obstruction  6e: emptied of contents or cargo  6f: 
   free from entanglement  6g: DENUDED, BAREMLIMPID mean capable of being seen 
   through. CLEAR implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness; 
   TRANSPARENT implies being so clear that objects can be seen distinctly; 
   TRANSLUCENT implies the passage of light but not vision; PELLUCID suggests 
   a shining clearness as of crystal; LIMPID implies the soft clearness of 
   pure waterunderstood. CLEAR implies freedom from obscurity, ambiguity, or 
   undue complexity; PERSPICUOUS applies to a style that is simple and elegant 
   as well as clear; LUCID suggests a clear logical coherence and evident 
   order of arrangement - clear.ly av SYN syn CLEAR, TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT, 
   PELLUCID, (  SYN syn CLEAR, PERSPICUOUS, LUCID mean quickly and easily 
2. clear av 1: in a clear manner  2: WHOLLY, ENTIRELY 
3. clear \'klir-*-b*l\ \'klir-*r\ vt 1a: to make clear or translucent  1b: 
   to free from pollution or cloudiness  2a: to free from accusation or blame 
   : VINDICATE  2b: to certify as trustworthy  3a: to give insight to : 
   ENLIGHTEN  3b: to make intelligible : EXPLAIN  4a: to free from obstruction 
   : as  4a1: OPEN  4a2: DISENTANGLE  4a3: to rid or make a rasping noise as 
   if ridding (the throat) of phlegm  4b1: to submit for approval  4b2: 
   AUTHORIZE  5a: to free from obligation or encumbrance  5b: SETTLE, 
   DISCHARGE {~ an account}  5c1: to free (a ship or shipment) by payment of 
   duties or harbor fees  5c2: to pass through (customs)  5d: to gain without 
   deduction : NET {~ a profit}  5e: to put through a clearinghouse  6a: to 
   get rid of : REMOVE  6b: TRANSMIT, DISPATCH  7a: to leap over or go by 
   without touching  7b: PASS {the bill ~ed the legislature}  1a: to become 
   clear  1b: to go away : VANISH  1c: SELL  2a: to obtain permission to 
   discharge cargo  2b: to conform to regulations or pay requisite fees prior 
   to leaving port  3: to pass through a clearinghouse  4: to go to an 
   authority (as for approval) before becoming effective  - clear.able aj
4. clear n : a clear space or part  1: in inside measurement  2: free from 
   guilt or suspicion  - in the clear