Webster's English Dictionary

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1. throw \'thro-\ \'thru:\ \'thro-n\ \'thro-(-*)r\ vb or threw;  or thrown 
   or throw.ing [ME thrawen, throwen to cause to twist, throw, fr. OE 
   thra-wa]n to cause to twist or turn; akin to OHG dra-en to turn, L terere 
   to rub, Gk tetrainein to bore, pierce 1a: to propel through the air by a 
   forward motion of the hand and arm {(R@ a baseball} 1b: to propel through 
   the air in any manner  2a: to cause to fall {threw his opponent}  2b: to 
   cause to fall off : UNSEAT {the horse threw his rid er} 3: to fling 
   precipitately or violently : DASH  4a1: to put in some position or 
   condition  4a2: to put on or off hastily or carelessly {threw on a coat}  
   4b: to bring to bear : EXERT {threw all his influence into  the boy's 
   defense} 5: to form or shape on a potter's wheel  6: to deliver (a blow) in 
   or as if in boxing  7: to twist two or more filaments of into a thread or 
   yarn  8a: to make a cast of (dice)  8b: to make (a cast) at dice  9: to 
   give up : ABANDON  10: to send forth : PROJECT {the setting sun threw long 
   sh adows} 11: to make (oneself) dependent : commit (oneself) for help, 
   support, or  protection {threw himself on the mercy of the court} 12: to 
   bring forth : PRODUCE {~s a good crop} {(Xthrew large litters} 13: to lose 
   intentionally {~ a game}  14: to move (a lever) so as to connect or 
   disconnect parts of a clutch or  switch; also : to make or break (a 
   connection) with a lever : CAST, HURL NG: THROW is general and 
   interchangeable with the other terms but may specifically imply a 
   distinctive motion with bent arm; CAST usu. implies lightness in the thing 
   thrown and sometimes a scattering; TOSS suggests a light or careless or 
   aimless throwing and may imply an upward motion; FLING stresses a violent 
   throwing; HURL implies power as in throwing a massive weight; PITCH 
   suggests throwing carefully at a target; SLING stresses either the use of 
   whirling momentum in throwing or directness of aim - throw.er n SYN syn 
2. throw n 1a: an act of throwing, hurling, or flinging  1b1: an act of 
   throwing dice  1b2: the number thrown with a cast of dice  1c: a method of 
   throwing an opponent in wrestling or judo  2: the distance a missile may be 
   thrown  3: an undertaking involving chance or danger  4: the amount of 
   vertical displacement produced by a geological fault  5a: the extreme 
   movement given to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam , crank, or 
   eccentric : STROKE 5b: the length of the radius of a crank or the virtual 
   crank radius of an e ccentric or cam 6a: a light coverlet  6b: a woman's 
   scarf or light wrap