Webster's English Dictionary

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1. smoke \'smo-k\ \'smo--.kli-k\ n [ME, fr. OE smoca; akin to MHG smouch 
   smoke, Gk smychein to s]molder 1a: the gaseous products of burning 
   carbonaceous materials made visible by  the presence of small particles of 
   carbon 1b: a suspension of solid particles in a gas  2a: a mass or column 
   of smoke  2b: SMUDGE  3: fume or vapor often resulting from the action of 
   heat on moisture  4: visible or tangible evidence  5: something of little 
   substance, permanence, or value  6: something that obscures  7a: something 
   to smoke (as a cigarette) : TOBACCO  7b: an act or spell of smoking tobacco 
    8a: a pale blue  8b: any of the colors of smoke  - smoke.like aj
2. smoke vi 1a: to emit or exhale smoke  1b: to emit excessive smoke  
   archaic  2: to undergo punishment : SUFFER  3: to spread or rise like smoke 
    4: to inhale and exhale the fumes of tobacco or something like tobacco  
   1a: FUMIGATE  1b: to drive away by smoke  1c: to blacken or discolor with 
   smoke  1d: to cure by exposure to smoke  1e: to stupefy (as bees) by smoke  
   archaic  2: SUSPECT  3: to inhale and exhale the smoke of  archaic  4: