Webster's English Dictionary

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vi.su.al \'vizh-(*-)w*l, 'vizh-*l\ \'vizh-(*-)w*-le-, 'vizh-(*-)le-\ aj 
   [ME, fr. LL visualis, fr. L visus sight, fr. visus, pp. of Xvide-re to see 
   1: of, relating to, or used in vision  2: attained or maintained by sight  
   3: OPTICAL {~ focus of a lens}  4: VISIBLE  5: producing mental images : 
   VIVID  6: done or executed by sight only {~ navigation}  7: of, relating 
   to, or constituting a means of instruction (as a map or fi lm) by means of 
   sight {~ aid} - vi.su.al.ly av