Webster's English Dictionary

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1. on.ly \'o-n-le-\ aj [ME, fr. OE a-nli-c, fr. a-n one - more at ONE] 1: 
   unquestionably the best : PEERLESS  2: alone in its class or kind : SOLE 
2. only av 1a: as a single fact or instance and nothing more or different : 
   MERE LY {worked ~ in the mornings} 1b: EXCLUSIVELY, SOLELY {known ~ to him} 
    2: at the very least {it was ~ too true}  3a: in the final outcome {will ~ 
   make you sick}  3b: with nevertheless the final result {won the battles, ~ 
   to lose  the war} 4: as recently as {~ last week} : in the immediate past 
   {@ just talked to her}
3. only cj 1a: with the restriction that : BUT {you may go, ~ come ba ck 
   early} 1b: and yet : HOWEVER {they look very nice, ~ we can't use  them} 2: 
   were it not that : EXCEPT