Webster's English Dictionary

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1. see \'se-\ \'so.\ \'se-n\ \'se--in\ vb or saw;  or seen or see.ing [ME 
   seen, fr. OE se-on; akin to OHG sehan to see, OE se]cgan to say - more at 
   SAY 1: to perceive by the eye  2a: to have experience of : UNDERGO {~ army 
   service}  2b: to come to know : DISCOVER  3a: to form a mental picture of : 
   VISUALIZE  3b: to perceive the meaning or importance of : UNDERSTAND  3c: 
   to be aware of : RECOGNIZE  3d: to imagine as a possibility : SUPPOSE 
   {couldn't ~ him  as a crook} 4a: EXAMINE, WATCH {want to ~ how he handles 
   the probl em} 4b1: READ  4b2: to read of  4c: to attend as a spectator {~ a 
   play}  5a: to take care of : provide for {~ him through}  5b: to make sure 
   {~ that order is kept}  6a: to regard as : JUDGE  6b: to prefer to have 
   {I'll ~ him hanged first} {I'll ~  you dead before I accept your terms} 6c: 
   to find acceptable or attractive {still can't ~ the design}  7a: to call on 
   : VISIT  7b1: to keep company with esp. in courtship or dating {had been 
   ~(Xing each other for a year} 7b2: to grant an interview to : RECEIVE {the 
   president will ~  you} 8: ACCOMPANY, ESCORT {~ the girls home}  9: to meet 
   (a bet) in poker or to equal the bet of (a player) : CALL)M 1a: to give or 
   pay attention  1b: to look about  2a: to have the power of sight  2b: to 
   apprehend objects by sight  3: to grasp something mentally : UNDERSTAND  4: 
   to make investigation or inquiry  of the eyes. SEE stresses the reception 
   of visual impressions; LOOK stresses the directing of the eyes in order to 
   see; WATCH implies a persistent observing or following with the eyes SYN 
   syn SEE, LOOK, WATCH mean to perceive something by use 
2. see n [ME se, fr. OF, fr. L sedes seat; akin to L sede-re to sit] - more 
   at SIT archaic  1a: CATHEDRA  1b: a cathedral town  2: the charge or 
   territory of a bishop  3: a person or official body vested with episcopal 
   authority {acts of the  apostolic ~}