Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sight \'si-t\ n [ME, fr. OE gesiht faculty or act of sight, thing seen; 
   akin to OHG gi]siht sight, OE se-on to see 1: something that is seen : 
   SPECTACLE  2a: a thing regarded as worth seeing  2b: something ludicrous or 
   disorderly in appearance  chiefly dial  3: a great number or quantity  4a: 
   the process, power, or function of seeing; specif : the animal  sense of 
   which the end organ is the eye and by which the position, shape, and color 
   of objects are perceived 4b: mental or spiritual perception  4c: mental 
   view; specif : JUDGMENT  5a: the act of looking at or beholding  5b: 
   INSPECTION, PERUSAL {this letter is for your ~ only } 5c: VIEW, GLIMPSE  
   5d: an observation to determine direction or position (as by a navigator)  
   6a: a perception of an object by the eye  6b: the range of vision  7: 
   presentation of a note or draft to the maker or draftee : DEMAND  8a: a 
   device for guiding the eye (as in aiming a firearm or bomb)  8b: a device 
   with a small aperture through which objects are to be seen and  by which 
   their direction is ascertained
2. sight aj 1: based on recognition or comprehension without previous study 
    2: payable on presentation 
3. sight vt 1: to get or catch sight of  2: to look at through or as if 
   through a sight; esp : to test for  straightness 3: to aim by means of 
   sights  4a: to equip with sights  4b: to adjust the sights of  1: to take 
   aim  2: to look carefully in a particular direction