1. lens \'lenz\ n [NL lent-, lens, fr. L, lentil; fr. its shape - more at
LENTIL] 1a: a piece of glass or other transparent substance that has two
opposite r egular surfaces either both curved or one curved and the other
plane and that is used either singly or combined in an optical instrument
for forming an image by focusing rays of light 1b: a combination of two or
more simples lenses 2: a device for directing or focusing radiation other
than light (as sound waves, radio microwaves, electrons) 3: something
shaped like a double-convex optical lens 4: a highly transparent biconvex
lens-shaped or nearly spherical body in th e eye that focuses light rays
(as upon the retina)
2. lens vt : PHOTOGRAPH; esp : to make a motion picture of