Webster's English Dictionary

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1. vo.cal \'vo--k*l\ \vo--'kal-*t-e-\ \'vo--k*-le-\ aj [ME, fr. L vocalis, 
   fr. voc- vox voice - more at VOICE] 1a: uttered by the voice : ORAL  1b: 
   produced in the larynx : uttered with voice  2: relating to, composed or 
   arranged for, or sung by the human voice {R@ music} 3: VOCALIC  4a: having 
   or exercising the power of producing voice, speech, or sound  4b: 
   EXPRESSIVE  4c: full of voices : RESOUNDING  4d: given to expressing 
   oneself freely or insistently : OUTSPOKEN  4e: expressed in words  5: of, 
   relating to, or resembling the voice  - vo.cal.i.ty n
2. vocal n 1: a vocal sound  2: the vocal solo in a dance or jazz number