Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. express               
1. voice \'vo.is\ n [ME, fr. OF vois, fr. L voc-, vox; akin to OHG 
   giwahanenX to mention, L vocare to call, Gk epos word, speech 1a: sound 
   produced by vertebrates by means of lungs, larynx, or syrinx;  esp : sound 
   so produced by human beings 1b1: musical sound produced by the vocal cords 
   and resonated by the cavitie s of head and throat 1b2: the power or ability 
   to produce musical tones  1b3: SINGER  1b4: one of the melodic parts in a 
   vocal or instrumental composition  1b5: condition of the vocal organs with 
   respect to production of musical to nes 1c: expiration of air with the 
   vocal cords drawn close so as to vibrate aud ibly (as in uttering vowels 
   and consonant sounds as /v/ or /z/) 1d: the faculty of utterance : SPEECH  
   2: a sound resembling or suggesting vocal utterance  3: an instrument or 
   medium of expression  4a: wish, choice, or opinion openly or formally 
   expressed  4b: right of expression : SUFFRAGE  5: distinction of form or a 
   system of inflections of a verb to indicate the  relation of the subject of 
   the verb to the action which the verb expresses : UNANIMOUSLY  - with one 
2. voice vt 1: UTTER  2: to regulate the tone of  3: to pronounce (as a 
   consonant) with voice