Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. healthy                2. valid                 
1. sound \'sau.nd\ \'sau.n-(d)le-\ \'sau.n(d)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. OE gesund; 
   akin to OHG gisunt healthy] 1a: free from injury or disease : ROBUST  1b: 
   free from flaw, defect, or decay {~ timber}  2: SOLID, FIRM; also : STABLE  
   3a: free from error, fallacy, or misapprehension {~ reasoning}  3b: 
   ACCURATE, PRECISE {~ scholarship}  3c: LEGAL, VALID  3d: agreeing with 
   accepted views : ORTHODOX  4a: THOROUGH  4b: deep and undisturbed {a ~ 
   sleep}  4c: HARD, SEVERE  5: showing good judgment or sense  - sound.ly av
2. sound av : SOUNDLY {~ asleep} 
3. sound n [ME soun, fr. OF son, fr. L sonus; akin to OE swinn mel]ody, L 
   sonare to sound, Skt svanati it sounds 1a: the sensation perceived by the 
   sense of hearing  1b: a particular auditory impression : NOISE, TONE  1c: 
   mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure  
   waves in air or other material medium and is the objective cause of hearing 
   2a: a speech sound {a peculiar r-sound}  2b: value in terms of speech 
   sounds {-cher of teacher and  -ture of creature have the same ~} archaic  
   3: RUMOR, FAME  4a: meaningless noise  obs  4b: MEANING  4c: impression 
   conveyed : IMPORT  5: hearing distance : EARSHOT  6: recorded auditory 
4. sound \'sau.n-d*-b*l\ vi 1a: to make a sound  1b: RESOUND  1c: to give a 
   summons by sound  2: to make or convey an impression : SEEM {~s incred 
   ible} 1: to cause to sound  2: to put into words : VOICE  3a: to make known 
   : PROCLAIM  3b: to order, signal, or indicate by a sound  4: to examine by 
   causing to emit sounds {~ the lungs}  - sound.able aj
5. sound n [ME, fr. OE sund swimming, sea & ON sund swimming, strait; akin 
   to]OE swimman to swim 1a: a long broad inlet of the ocean generally 
   parallel to the coast  1b: a long passage of water connecting two large 
   bodies (as a sea with the  ocean) or passing between a mainland and an 
   island 2: the air bladder of a fish 
6. sound vb [ME sounden, fr. MF sonder, fr. sonde sounding line, prob. of] 
   Gmc origin; akin to OE sundli-ne sounding line, sund sea 1: to measure the 
   depth of : FATHOM  2: to try to find out the views or intentions of : PROBE 
    3: to explore or examine (a body cavity) with a sound  1a: to ascertain 
   the depth of water esp. with a sounding line  1b: to look into or 
   investigate the possibility  2: to dive down suddenly - used of a fish or 
7. sound n [F sonde, fr. MF, lit., sounding line] : an elongated instrument 
   for exploring surgically body cavities