Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bear                   2. continue               3. stay                  
abide \*-'bi-d\ \-'bo-d\ vb or abode or abid.ed;  or abid.ing [ME abiden, 
   fr. OE a-bi-dan, fr. a--, perfective pre]fix + bi-dan to bide; akin to OHG 
   ir-, perfective prefix archaic  1: to wait for : AWAIT  2a: to endure 
   without yielding : WITHSTAND  2b: to bear patiently : TOLERATE  3: to 
   accept without objection  1: to remain stable or fixed in a state  2: to 
   continue in a place : SOJOURN  1: to conform to  2: to acquiesce in  - 
   abid.er n