Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. defer                 
1. stay \'sta-\ n [ME, fr. OE stg; akin to ON stag stay, OE 
   ste-le]steel 1: a large strong rope usu. of wire used to support a mast  2: 
   a guy rope  : in process of going about from one tack to another  - in 
2. stay vt 1: to fasten (as a smokestack) with or as if with stays  2: to 
   incline (a mast) forward, aft, or to one side by the stays  : to go about : 
3. stay \'sta-d\ \'sta-d\ vb or stayed or staid;  or stay.ing [ME stayen, 
   fr. MF ester to stand, stay, fr. L stare - more] at STAND 1: to stop going 
   forward : PAUSE  2: to stop doing something : CEASE  3a: to continue in a 
   place or condition : REMAIN  3b: to have powers of endurance  4: to stand 
   firm  5: to take up residence : LODGE  6: to keep even in a contest or 
   rivalry {~ with the leaders}  7: to call a poker bet without raising  obs  
   8: to be in waiting or attendance  1: to wait for : AWAIT  2: to last out 
   (as a race)  3: to remain during {~ed the whole time}  4: to hold from 
   proceeding : CHECK {~ an execution}  5: to check the course of (a disease 
   or an evil influence) : HALT  6a: ALLAY, PACIFY  6b: to quiet the hunger of 
   temporarily INGER mean to continue in a place. STAY often implies the 
   status of a guest or visitor; REMAIN suggests a continuing after others 
   have left or departed; WAIT implies a staying in expectation or readiness; 
   ABIDE may apply either to continuing in a residence or waiting patiently 
   for an outcome; TARRY suggests failing to proceed when it is time to do so; 
   LINGER implies a tarrying because of disinclination to depart SYN syn STAY, 
4. stay n 1a: the action of halting : the state of being stopped  1b: a 
   stopping or suspension of procedure or execution by judicial or execu tive 
   order obs  2: MODERATION, SELF-CONTROL  3: a residence or sojourn in a 
   place  4: capacity for endurance 
5. stay n [MF estaie, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG sta-n to stand - more a]t 
   STAND 1: something that serves as a prop : SUPPORT  2: a corset stiffened 
   with bones - usu. used in pl. 
6. stay vt 1: to provide physical or moral support for : SUSTAIN  2: to fix 
   on as a foundation