Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. stay                  
1. wait or wait upon \'wa-t\ vb [ME waiten, fr. ONF waitier to watch, of 
   Gmc origin; akin to OHG Xwahta watch, OE wccan to watch - more at WAKE 
   1a: to stay in place in expectation of : AWAIT  1b: to delay in hope of a 
   favorable change in {~ out a storm}  2: to delay serving (a meal)  3: to 
   serve as waiter for {~ table}  1a: to remain stationary in readiness or 
   expectation {~ for a trai n} 1b: to pause for another to catch up  2: to 
   look forward expectantly or hold back expectantly  3: to serve at meals  
   4a: to be ready and available  4b: to remain temporarily neglected or 
   unrealized  1a: to attend as a servant  1b: to supply the wants of : SERVE  
   2: to make a formal call on  3: to follow as a consequence  : to delay 
   going to bed  - wait on 
2. wait n [M waite watchman, public musician, wait, fr. ONF, watchman, 
   watch, of Gm]c origin; akin to OHG wahta watch 1a: one of a band of public 
   musicians in England employed to play for proce ssions or public 
   entertainments 1b1: one of a group who serenade for gratuities esp. at the 
   Christmas seaso n 1b2: a piece of music by these  2a: AMBUSH - used chiefly 
   in the expression lie in wait  2b: a state or attitude of watchfulness and 
   expectancy  3: an act or period of waiting