Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fasten                 2. predicament           
1. fix \'fiks\ \'fik-s*-b*l\ vb [ME fixen, fr. L fixus, pp. of figere to 
   fasten - more at (MDIKE 1a: to make firm, stable, or fast  1b: to give a 
   permanent or final form to : as  1b1: to change into a stable compound or 
   available form {bacteria that (R@ nitrogen} 1b2: to kill, harden, and 
   preserve for microscopic study  1b3: to make the image of (a photographic 
   film) permanent by removing unus ed salts 1c: AFFIX, ATTACH  2: to hold or 
   direct steadily {~es his eyes on the horizon> 3a: to set or place 
   definitely : ESTABLISH  3b: ASSIGN {~ blame}  4: to set in order : ADJUST  
   5: to get ready : PREPARE  6a: REPAIR, MEND  6b: RESTORE, CURE  6c: SPAY, 
   CASTRATE  7a: to get even with  7b: to influence the actions, outcome, or 
   effect of by improper or illegal  methods : to become firm, stable, or 
   fixed  - fix.able aj
2. fix n 1: a position of difficulty or embarrassment : PREDICAMENT  2a: 
   the position (as of a ship) determined by bearings, observations, or ra dio 
   2b: a determination of one's position  3a: an act of obtaining special 
   privilege or immunity from the law by bribe ry or collusion 3b: BRIBE