Webster's English Dictionary

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con.tin.ue \k*n-'tin-(.)yu:, -y*(-w)\ \-y*-w*r\ vb [ME continuen, fr. MF 
   continuer, fr. L continuare, fr. con]tinuus 1: to maintain without 
   interruption a condition, course, or action  2: to remain in existence : 
   ENDURE  3: to remain in a place or condition : STAY  4: to resume an 
   activity after interruption  1a: to carry on or keep up : MAINTAIN 
   {continued walking> 1b: PROLONG; specif : to resume after intermission  2: 
   to cause to continue  3: to allow to remain in a place or condition : 
   RETAIN  4: to postpone (a legal proceeding) by a continuance  mean to exist 
   indefinitely. CONTINUE applies to a process going on without ending; LAST 
   stresses existing beyond what is normal or expected; ENDURE adds an 
   implication of resisting destructive forces or agencies; ABIDE implies 
   stable and constant existing esp. as opposed to mutability; PERSIST 
   suggests outlasting the normal or appointed time and often connotes 
   obstinacy or doggedness - con.tin.u.er n SYN syn CONTINUE, LAST, ENDURE,