Webster's English Dictionary

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1. au.to.graph \'o.t-*-.graf\ \o.-'ta:g-r*-fe-\ n [LL autographum, fr. L, 
   neut. of autographus written with one's own] hand, fr. Gk autographos, fr. 
   aut- + -graphos written - more at -GRAPH 1: something written with one's 
   own hand :  1a: an original manuscript  1b: a person's handwritten 
   signature  2: a representation or trace of an object produced in a 
   photographic emulsi on by the mechanical, electrical, chemical, or 
   radiation effects of the object itself - au.tog.ra.phy n
2. autograph vt 1: to write with one's own hand  2: to write one's 
   signature in or on