Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. new                   
1. orig.i.nal \*-'rij-*n-*l, -'rij-n*l\ n archaic  1: the source or cause 
   from which something arises; specif : ORI GINATOR 2a: that from which a 
   copy, reproduction, or translation is made : PRO TOTYPE 2b: a work composed 
   firsthand  3a: a person of fresh initiative or inventive capacity  archaic  
2. original \-e-\ aj 1: of, relating to, or constituting a rise or 
   beginning : INITIAL  2a: having spontaneous origin : FRESH  2b: 
   constituting that from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is m ade 
   3: independent and creative in thought or action : INVENTIVE  - 
   orig.i.nal.ly av