Webster's English Dictionary

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rep.re.sen.ta.tion \.rep-ri-.zen-'ta--sh*n, -z*n-\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ n 1: 
   one that represents : as  1a: an artistic likeness or image  1b1: a 
   statement or account esp. of an opinion and made to influence opinio n or 
   action 1b2: an incidental or collateral statement of fact on the faith of 
   which a  contract is entered into 1c: a dramatic production or performance  
   1d1: a usu. formal statement made against something or to effect a change  
   1d2: a usu. formal protest  2: the act or action of representing or state 
   of being represented : as  2a1: the action or fact of one person standing 
   for another so as to have ri ghts and obligations of the person represented 
   2a2: the substitution of an individual or class in place of a person (as a  
   child for a deceased parent) 2b: the action of representing or the fact of 
   being represented esp. in a l egislative body 3: the body of persons 
   representing a constituency  - rep.re.sen.ta.tion.al aj