Webster's English Dictionary

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sig.na.ture \'sig-n*-.chu.(*)r, -ch*r, -.t(y)u.(*)r\ n [MF or ML; MF, fr. 
   ML signatura, fr. L signatus, pp. of signare)X to sign, seal 1a: the name 
   of a person written with his own hand  1b: the act of signing one's name  
   2: a feature in the appearance or qualities of a natural object formerly he 
   ld to indicate its utility in medicine 3a: a letter or figure placed usu. 
   at the bottom of the first page on each  sheet of printed pages (as of a 
   book) as a direction to the binder in arranging and gathering the sheets 
   3b: the sheet itself which when folded becomes one unit of the book  4a: 
   KEY SIGNATURE  4b: TIME SIGNATURE  5: the part of a medical prescription 
   which contains the directions to the  patient 6: a tune, musical number, or 
   sound effect or in television a characteristi c title or picture used to 
   identify a program, entertainer, or orchestra