Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bee.tle \'be-t-*l\ n [ME betylle, fr. OE bitula, fr. bi-tan to bite] 1: 
   any of an order (Coleoptera) of insects having four wings of which the o 
   uter pair are modified into stiff elytra which protect the inner pair when 
   at rest 2: any of various insects resembling a beetle 
2. beetle n [ME betel, fr. OE bi-etel; akin to OE be-atan to beat] 1: a 
   heavy wooden hammering or ramming instrument  2: a wooden pestle or bat for 
   domestic tasks  3: a machine for giving fabrics a lustrous finish  - beetle 
3. beetle aj [ME bitel-browed having overhanging brows, prob. fr. betylle, 
   bi]tel beetle : being prominent and overhanging 
4. beetle \'be-t-lin, -*l-in\ vi or bee.tling : PROJECT, JUT