Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. implement              2. mean                  
1. in.stru.ment \'in(t)-str*-m*nt\ n [ME, fr. L instrumentum, fr. instruere 
   to arrange, instruct] 1a: a means whereby something is achieved, performed, 
   or furthered  1b: DUPE, TOOL  2: UTENSIL, IMPLEMENT  3: a device used to 
   produce music  4: a formal legal document (as a deed, bond, or agreement)  
   5a: a measuring device for determining the present value of a quantity unde 
   r observation 5b: an electrical or mechanical device used in navigating an 
   airplane; s pecif : such a device used as the sole means of navigating
2. in.stru.ment \-.ment\ vt 1: to address a legal instrument to  2: 
   ORCHESTRATE  3: to equip with instruments