Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. close                 
1. fin.ish \'fin-ish\ vb [ME finisshe, fr. MF finiss-, stem of finir, fr. L 
   finire)X, fr. finis 1a: to bring to an end : TERMINATE  1b: to use or 
   dispose of entirely  2a: to bring to completion or issue : PERFECT  2b: to 
   put a final coat or finish on  3a: to bring to an end the significance or 
   effectiveness of  3b: to bring about the death of  1: to come to an end : 
   TERMINATE  2: to come to the end of a course, task, or undertaking  - 
   fin.ish.er n
2. finish n 1a: the final stage : END  1b: the cause of one's ruin  2: 
   something that completes or perfects : as  2a: the fine or decorative work 
   required for a building  2b: a finishing material used in painting  2c: the 
   final treatment or coating of a surface  3: the result or product of a 
   finishing process  4: the quality or state of being perfected