Webster's English Dictionary

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1. when \(')hwen, (')wen, (h)w*n\ aj [ME, fr. OE hwanne, hwenne; akin to 
   OHG hwanne when, OE hw]a- who - more at WHO 1: at what time {asked him ~ it 
   happened} {~ will he ret urn} 2a: at or during which time  2b: and then  3: 
   at a former and usu. less prosperous time {brag fondly of having know n him 
   ~ -Vance Packard}
2. when cj [ME, fr. OE hwanne, hwenne, fr. hwanne, hwenne, adv.] 1a: at or 
   during the time that : WHILE {went fishing ~ he  was a boy} 1b: just after 
   the moment that {stop writing ~ the bell rings}  1c: at any or every time 
   that {~ he listens to music, he falls asl eep} 2: in the event that : IF 
   {the batter is out ~ he bunts fo ul with two strikes on him} 3a: 
   considering that {why use water at all ~ you can drown in it -mStuart 
   Chase} 3b: in spite of the fact that : ALTHOUGH {gave up politics ~)R he 
   might have made a great career in it}
3. when \.hwen, .wen\ pn : what or which time {in 1934, since ~ he has been 
   working at lan dscapes and portraits -Horizon}
4. when \'hwen, 'wen\ n : the time in which something is done or comes 