Webster's English Dictionary

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1. Chris.tian \'kris(h)-ch*n\ n [L christianus, adj. & n., fr. Gk 
   christianos, fr. Christos] 1a: an adherent of Christianity  1b1: DISCIPLE  
   1b2: a member of one of the Churches of Christ separating from the Disciple 
   s of Christ in 1906 and seeking a united New Testament Christianity 1b3: a 
   member of one of the churches in the union of Congregational Christi an 
   Churches 2: the hero in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress 
2. Christian aj 1: of, relating to, or professing Christianity  2a: of or 
   relating to Jesus Christ  2b: of, based on, or conforming with Christianity 
    2c: of or relating to a Christian  2d: representing Christianity {his most 
   ~ majesty, the king}  - Chris.tian.ly av