Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. follower               2. scholar               
dis.ci.ple \dis-'i--p*l\ \-.ship\ n [ME, fr. OE discipul & OF desciple, fr. 
   LL and L; LL discipulus)X follower of Jesus Christ in his lifetime, fr. L, 
   pupil 1: one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another 
   : as  1a: APOSTLE  1b: a convinced adherent of a school or individual  cap  
   2: a member of the Disciples of Christ founded in the U.S. in 1809 that hol 
   ds the Bible alone to be the rule of faith and practice, baptizes by 
   immersion, and has a congregational polity - dis.ci.ple.ship n