Webster's English Dictionary

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tes.ta.ment \'tes-t*-m*nt\ \.tes-t*-'ment-*-re-, -'men-tre-\ n [ME, fr. LL 
   & L; LL testamentum covenant with God, holy scripture, fr. L,] last will, 
   fr. testari to be a witness, call to witness, make a will, fr. testis 
   witness; akin to L tres three & to L stare to stand; fr. the witness's 
   standing by as a third party in a litigation - more at THREE, STAND archaic 
    1a: a covenant between God and man  cap  1b1: either of two main divisions 
   of the Bible  1b2: NEW TESTAMENT  2a: a tangible proof or tribute  2b: an 
   expression of conviction : CREDO  3a: an act by which a person determines 
   the disposition of his property aft er his death 3b: WILL  - 
   tes.ta.men.ta.ry aj