Cross references:
1. unity
1. union \'yu:-ny*n\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL union-, unio oneness, union, fr.
unus one] - more at ONE 1a: an act or instance of uniting or joining two or
more things into one : as 1a1: the formation of a single political unit
from two or more separate and independent units 1a2: a uniting in
marriage; also : SEXUAL INTERCOURSE 1a3: the growing together of severed
parts 1b: a unified condition : COMBINATION, JUNCTION 2: something that
is made one : something formed by a combining or coalit ion of parts or
members : as 2a: a confederation of independent individuals (as nations or
persons) for some common purpose 2b: a political unit constituting an
organic whole formed usu. from previou sly independent units (as England
and Scotland in 1707) which have surrendered their principal powers to the
government of the whole or a newly created government (as the U.S. in 1789)
cap 2c: an organization on a college or university campus providing
recreationa l, social, cultural, and sometimes dining facilities; also :
the building housing it 2d: SUM 3: a device emblematic of the union of two
or more sovereignties borne on a national flag typically in the upper
inner corner or constituting the whole design of the flag 4: any of various
devices for connecting parts (as of a machine); esp : a coupling for pipes
or pipes and fittings designed to facilitate connection or disconnection
2. union aj : of, relating to, dealing with, or constituting a union