Webster's English Dictionary

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1. prog.ress \'pra:g-r*s, -.res, chiefly Brit 'pro--.gres\ n [ME, fr. L 
   progressus advance, fr. progressus, pp. of progrediX to go forth, fr. pro- 
   forward + gradi to go - more at PRO-, GRADE 1a: a royal journey or tour 
   marked by pomp and pageant  1b: an official journey or circuit  1c: a 
   journeying forward : TOUR  2: a forward or onward movement : ADVANCE  3: 
   gradual betterment; esp : the progressive development of mankind 
2. pro.gress \pr*-'gres\ vi 1: to move forward : PROCEED  2: to develop to 
   a higher, better, or more advanced stage