Webster's English Dictionary

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1. clam.or or clam.our \'klam-*r\ n [ME, fr. MF clamour, fr. L clamor, fr. 
   clamare to cry out] chiefly Brit  1a: noisy shouting  1b: a loud continuous 
   noise  2: insistent public expression (as of support or protest) 
2. clamor or clamour \-(*-)rin\ vb or clam.or.ing chiefly Brit  1: to make 
   a din  2: to become loudly insistent  1: to utter or proclaim insistently 
   and noisily  2: to influence by means of clamor 
3. clamor or clamour vt [origin unknown] chiefly Brit  obs  : SILENCE