Webster's English Dictionary

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1. out \'au.t\ aj [ME, fr. OE u-t; akin to OHG u-z out, Gk hysteros later], 
   hybris arrogance, Skt ud up, out 1a: in a direction away from the inside or 
   center {went ~ into the  garden} 1b: from among others {picked ~ a hat}  
   1c: away from the shore  1d: away from home or business {~ to lunch}  2a: 
   out of the usual or proper place {left a word ~}  2b: beyond possession, 
   control, or occupation {lent ~ money}  2c: into a state of loss or 
   deprivation {voted him ~}  2d: into a state of vexation or disagreement 
   {put ~ by the delay> {friends fall ~} 2e: into portions, shares, or 
   allotments {parceled ~ the farm}  3a: beyond the limits of existence, 
   continuance, or supply {the food ran  ~} 3b: to extinction, exhaustion, or 
   completion {burn ~}  3c: to the fullest degree {all decked ~}  4a: in or 
   into the open {the sun came ~} {let the secret ~)R} 4b: ALOUD {cried ~}  
   5a: so as to retire a batter or batsman  5b: so as to be retired 
2. out vt : to put out : EJECT to become public 
3. out aj 1: situated outside : EXTERNAL  2: situated at a distance : 
   OUTLYING  3a: not being in power  3b: not successful in reaching base {the 
   batter was ~}  4: directed outward or serving to direct something outward : 
4. out \(')au.t\ pp 1: out through {ran ~ the door}  2: outward along or on 
   {drive ~ the old road} 
5. out \'au.t\ n 1: OUTSIDE {the width of the building from ~ to ~}  2: one 
   who is out of power {the ~s are apt to be loud}  3: copy matter 
   inadvertently omitted in typesetting  4a: the retiring of a baseball player 
   during his turn at bat  4b: a player so retired  pl, Brit  5: money paid 
   out esp. in taxes  6: a ball hit out-of-bounds in tennis or squash  7: an 
   item that is out of stock  8a: a way of escaping from an embarrassing 
   situation  8b: a way out of a difficulty : SOLUTION