Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. affect                
1. in.flu.ence \'in-.flu:-*n(t)s\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML influentia, fr. L 
   influent-, influens, pr]p. of influere to flow in, fr. in- + fluere to flow 
   - more at FLUID 1a: an ethereal fluid thought to flow from the stars and to 
   affect the acti ons of men 1b: an emanation of occult power held to derive 
   from stars  2: an emanation of spiritual or moral force  3a: the act or 
   power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of fo rce or direct 
   exercise of command 3b: corrupt interference with authority for personal 
   gain  4: the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or 
   intangible way s : SWAY 5: a person or thing that exerts influence  6: 
   INDUCTION REDIT mean power exerted over the minds or behavior of others. 
   INFLUENCE may apply to a force exercised and received unknowingly or to a 
   conscious and deliberate affecting; AUTHORITY implies the power of winning 
   devotion or allegiance or of compelling acceptance and belief; PRESTIGE 
   implies the ascendancy given by conspicuous excellence or reputation for 
   superiority; WEIGHT implies measurable or decisive influence in determining 
   acts or choices; CREDIT suggests influence that arises from proven merit or 
   favorable reputation SYN syn INFLUENCE, AUTHORITY, PRESTIGE, WEIGHT, C 
2. influence vt 1: to affect or alter by indirect or intangible means : 
   SWAY  2: to have an effect on the condition or development of : MODIFY  - 
   in.flu.enc.er n