Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. assert                 2. object                
1. pro.test \'pro--.test\ n 1: a solemn declaration of opinion and usu. of 
   dissent : as  1a: a sworn declaration that payment of a note or bill has 
   been refused and  that all responsible signers or debtors are liable for 
   resulting loss or damage 1b: a formal declaration of dissent by a member of 
   the House of Lords  1c: a declaration made esp. before or while paying that 
   a tax is illegal an d that payment is not voluntary 1d: a solemn 
   declaration of disapproval  2: the act of protesting  3a: a complaint, 
   objection, or display of unwillingness usu. to an idea or  a course of 
   action 3b: a gesture of extreme disapproval  4: an objection made to an 
   official or a governing body of a sport 
2. pro.test \pr*-'test, 'pro--., pro--'\ vb [ME protesten, fr. MF 
   protester, fr. L protestari, fr. pro]- forth + testari to call to witness - 
   more at PRO-, TESTAMENT 1: to make solemn declaration or affirmation of : 
   AVOW  2: to make or procure to be made a notarial protest of  3: to make a 
   protest against  4: to object to  1: to make a protestation  2: to make or 
   enter a protest