Webster's English Dictionary

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1. con.cert \k*n-'s*rt\ vb [MF concerter, fr. OIt concertare, fr. LL, fr. 
   L, to contend, fr. (Xcom- + certare to strive, fr. certus decided, 
   determined 1a: to plan together  1b: to settle by agreement  2: DEVISE, 
   ARRANGE  : to act in harmony or conjunction 
2. con.cert \'ka:n(t)-s*rt, 'ka:n-.s*rt\ n [F, fr. It concerto, fr. 
   concertare] 1a: agreement in design or plan  1b: a concerted action  2: 
   musical harmony : CONCORD  3a: a musical performance of some length by 
   several voices or instruments o r both 3b: RECITAL