Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. intention              2. plan                  
1. de.sign \di-'zi-n\ vb [MF designer, fr. L designare, fr. de- + signare 
   to mar]k, mark out - more at SIGN 1a: to conceive and plan out in the mind  
   1b: DEVOTE, CONSIGN  1c: to have as a purpose : INTEND  1d: to devise for a 
   specific function or end  archaic  2: to indicate with a distinctive mark, 
   sign, or name  3a: to make a drawing, pattern, or sketch of  3b: to draw 
   the plans for  3c: to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to 
   plan : DEV ISE, CONTRIVE 1: to conceive or execute a plan  2: to draw, lay 
   out, or prepare a design  - de.sign.er n
2. design n 1: a mental project or scheme in which means to an end are laid 
   down  2a: a particular purpose held in view by an individual or group  2b: 
   deliberate purposive planning  3a: a deliberate undercover project or 
   scheme : PLOT  pl  3b: aggressive or evil intent - used with on or against  
   4: a preliminary sketch or outline showing the main features of something t 
   o be executed : DELINEATION 5: an underlying scheme that governs 
   functioning, developing, or unfolding  : PATTERN, MOTIF 6: the arrangement 
   of elements that make up a work of art, a machine, or ot her man-made 
   object 7: a decorative pattern