Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. common                 2. distinct              
1. sev.er.al \'sev-(*-)r*l\ \-e-\ aj [ME, fr. AF, fr. ML separalis, fr. L 
   separ separate, back-formation] fr. separare to separate 1a: separate or 
   distinct from others : DIFFERENT {federal union  of the ~ states} 1b1: 
   individually owned or controlled : EXCLUSIVE {a ~ fis hery} 1b2: of or 
   relating separately to each individual involved : SEVERABL E {a ~ judgment} 
   1c: PARTICULAR, RESPECTIVE {specialists in their ~ fie lds} 2a: more than 
   one {~ pleas}  2b: more than two but fewer than many {moved ~ inches}  
   chiefly dial  2c: being a great many  - sev.er.al.ly av
2. several pn pl in constr  : an indefinite number more than two and fewer 
   than many {~ of th e guests}